A Basic Setup for a Full-Featured Blog

Gatsby Starter Blog is an official starter for GatsbyJS, a fast app generator for React. It provides a basic setup for a full-featured blog, including support for an RSS feed, automatic optimization of images in Markdown posts, and support for code syntax highlighting. It also includes plugins for easy, beautiful typography and Gatsby Head API to allow editing site meta tags.

To install Gatsby Starter Blog, you can use the Gatsby CLI by running the following command:

npx gatsby new gatsby-starter-blog https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog

Once installed, you can navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up by running:

cd gatsby-starter-blog/
gatsby develop

Your site will be running at http://localhost:8000, and you can start editing the source code in your code editor of choice.

Gatsby Starter Library: A Collection of Starters for Different Use Cases

Gatsby Starter Library is a collection of official and community-created starters for GatsbyJS. It includes starters for popular use cases such as headless CMS, blog, portfolio, documentation, boilerplate, e-commerce, and community. Users can submit their own starters to the library as well.

Some of the popular starters in the library include:

  • gatsby-starter-apple: A starter for creating a website for an apple orchard.
  • gatsby-starter-portfolio-minimal-theme: A minimalistic portfolio starter.
  • gatsby-starter-bootstrap: A starter with a Bootstrap 5 theme.
  • gatsby-starter-prismic-blog: A starter for creating a blog with Prismic CMS.
  • gatsby-starter-typescript-auth0-hasura: A starter for creating a TypeScript-based app with Auth0 and Hasura.

The Gatsby Starter Library provides developers with a wide range of options to kick off their projects quickly and efficiently.